


magnetic key card 日本

Ever check into a hotel and use a special card to open your door? This is known as a magnetic stripe card. You don't just have an ordinary card; you have a magical card that uses something called magnetism to open doors. The key card is magnetic — this means it has a stripe, upon which are stored significant details regarding the place you are in and the guest who is lodging. This means that when you take the card and swipe it through a reader, on a door, the door is able to read this information in the card. If all is well, the door will unlock and you can walk inside your room.

Similar to basic cards, use of magnetic key cards for hotels has various advantageous facets due to which it becomes easier for both the customers and the hotel staff. One of the reasons for this is that these cards are much easier for guests to use than regular keys. Guests do not have to fret about misplacing a heavy key. Instead, they can simply keep the little card in their pocket or purse and swipe it like a credit card to unlock their door. Since they will always keep the card ready for use, this is a very convenient system.

The Benefits of Using Magnetic Key Cards for Your Business or Hotel

Key cards with magnetic strips also have another great thing about them: you have the option to set them for a time limit. So, for example, if a guest is checking it for just one night, the card can be programmed to no longer work the following day. This ensures that only the right guests are allowed into their craft. It adds an additional level of security, so that no one else could get into the room after the guest has checked out.

利便性に加えて、 磁気スワイプカードs offer an effective means of ensuring guest security during their time on property. It is critical that the right guests are only able to access their rooms. They can be programmed to work only for the room to which a key card belongs. If a card is lost or stolen, hotel staff can easily deactivate it, rendering it unusable.” This does not allow an unauthorized person to enter the room of a guest.

Why choose SUNLANRFID magnetic key card?





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