


RFID 衣類タグ 日本

Have you ever wondered how stores track that they run out of clothes? With so many different styles of shirts, jackets, and pants in store, it can be a challenge to identify them all. So, how do they do it? Stores have a few ways of tracking everything, one way stores track is RFID tags. RFID — or Radio Frequency Identification. These tags contain a microscopic internal chip that communicates with a machine via radio waves. It’s like a code that only machines speak. In this article, we are going to cover everything regarding RFID clothes tags, how they function, and how they help the stores reduce clothing loss.

An RFID clothes tag is a small tag used to attach a piece of clothing. It has a microchip and an antenna. A special machine that emits radio waves can then communicate with this antenna. As the tag gets in-range of the machine, it sends back its own unique signal (with its unique code). This means this tells the system what item tag on. These tags are small enough to allow them to be attached to almost any kind of clothing without being detected.

Efficient Inventory Management Through RFID Clothes Tags

Inventory management: This refers to managing the clothes a store has. This is a very important job because stores must keep track of the number of items in stock and know when to order more. If a store is sold out of popular items, customers may seek these items elsewhere. RFID tags make this task a lot easier. They enable stores to find out which clothes are selling quickly and need to be restocked soon. For instance, say a particular shirt sells really well, the store can easily find out using the RFID tags and order additional stock immediately. They can also see what clothes aren’t moving very well. If certain products aren’t selling, the store can remove them from its shelves to make room for things that sell better.

Why choose SUNLANRFID rfid clothes tag?





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